First they had to pick out a mask and color it. When they were finished, they put their custom cape on at the super hero swag station.
For 18 capes I bought 2 yards of blue and 1-1/2 yards of gray fabric. Then I bought several felt squares at 26 cents each and made the superman diamond and the initial for each kid attending. I used fabric glue to hold them in place and then stitched them on. To hold the cape on I used sticky velcro. I sewed the velcro on to keep them secure as well.

We took a black sheet for background and made a city with construction paper. Once our super heros were suited up, they took their comic book photo.
For the games we had kryptonite toss with simple bean bag toss game and lava pit. We laid down red fabric and table cloths for the lava, cardboard for the beam, stuffed animals on one side and room to run! The kids raced across to save the animals.

The last game was to wrap the villians! We used our husbands as they were suspect..

To refuel our super heros we had wonder dogs (hot dogs), catwoman claws (bugle chips),
super vision sticks (carrot sticks with ranch), joker juice ( green punch), batwings ( cookies), energy bursts ( cupcakes)
Since cookie cutters are for slackers, I cut all these out myself.
Actually I just couldn't find a batwing cookie cutter unless it was on line and the party was a couple days away. They are all a little different, but the kids loved them!
For the decorations we used the regular streamers and balloons, but added several boxes down the center of the table wrapped in black paper and covered with yellow square windows to make our city. We had several super hero figures, so I used those to place all over the city. Some figures even got hot glued to the tops. Who says you can't play while you eat?
When it was all said and done our super heros had an awesome birthday! Everyone had a great time.
Photography and graphics by: marciekindred.com
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